دانلود کتاب معماری هزار 1000ایده از یکصد100 معمار
MITHUN architects+designers+planners 6 Durbach Block Architects 118 Balmori Associates 218
[ecosistema urbano] 10 Weiss/Manfredi 120 Reiko Miyamoto/Curiosity 222
German del Sol 14 Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects 124 AMP Arquitectos 224
Estudio Arquitectura Campo Baeza 18 Pete O'Shea AS LA FAAR/Siteworks Studio 126 Caramel architekten 228
NIPpaysage 22 Marmol Radziner + Associates 130 ECDM Architectes 230
Artadi Arquitectos 24 Carl-Viggo H01mebakk 132 Saunders Architecture 232
Fermin Vazquez/b720 arquitectos 28 Office of Mobile Design a Jennifer Siegal Company 136 TOPOTEK 1 236
GROSS. MAX. 32 Studio Pei-Zhu 138 Atelier Werner Schmidt 238
Atelier Tekuto 36 Architecture & Hygiene 142 JOrgen Mayer H. Architects 242
Kirkland Fraser Moor 40 fieldoffice 144 Art & Build Architect 246
Ingenhoven Architects 42 Bekta, Architectural Office 148 atelierworkshop 250
SLA 46 Mario Bolta Architelto 150 EAA-Emre Arolat Architects 252
Min I Day 48 NSMH-Nevzat Sayin Mimarlik Hizmetleri 154 Saia Barbarese Topouzanov Architectes 256
Clorindo Testa 52 Imre Makovecz 156 Vetsch Architektur 258
Kris Yao/Artech Architecture 54 Acconci Studio 160 Architectenbureau Paul de Ruiter 260
Karres en Brands Landschapsarchitecten 58 5+1AA Alfonso Femia Gianluca Peluffo 162 R&Sie(n) 264
Massimiliano Fuksas 60 JML Consultants 166 RAU 266
Dekleva Gregoric Arhitekti 64 Estudio Luis de Garrido 168 querkraft architekten zt gmbh 270
Felipe Assadi + Francisca Pulido 66 Manuelle Gautrand 172 Paolo BOrgi 272
Josep Lluis Mateo/MAP Architects 70 Peter Barber Architects 176 Drozdov & Partners 276
Alonso Balaguer i Arquitectes Associats 72 Helliwell + Smith/Blue Sky Architecture 178 ONL [Oosterhuis~Lenard] 278
Baumschlager Eberle Lochau ZT GmbH 76 Jakob + MacFarlane 182 Of is Arhitekti 282
Atelier Hitoshi Abe 80 Despang Architekten 184 Mokhtar MIMOUN 286
Kuwabara Payne McKenna Blumberg Architects 84 Gora art&landscape 188 Nabil Gholam 288
Endo Shuhei Architect Institute Inc. 88 Ingarden & Ew? Architects 190 ARX Portugal Arquitectos 292
Arkitekt Kristine Jensens Tegnestue 90 Triptyque Architecture 194 Makoto Sei Watanabe 294
Andrew Maynard Architects 94 Estudio Mariani - Perez Maraviglia 196 Latz + Partner/Planer BDLA, OAi Lux 298
Vastu Shilpa Consultants 96 Boora Architects 198 URBANUS Architecture & Design 302
Studio Arthur Casas 100 Blaine Brownell/Transstudio 202 X-Architects 306
Griffin Enright Architects 102 Michelle Kaufmann Designs 204 oslund. and. assoc. landscape architects 310
Jarmund!VigsniEs AS Arkitekter 106 nps tchoban voss 208 UNStudio 312
Pugh + Scarpa Architects 108 Bruno Stagno Architects 210 Pezo von Ellrichshausen Arquitectos 316
GH+A, Guillermo Hevia Arquitectos 112 David Baker + Partners, Architects 214
McGregor Coxall 114 Sebastian Irarrazaval Arquitectos 216
Of concepts and realities: notes on the making of
1000 Ideas by 100 Architects
The main aim of this book is to give a star role to the architects involved. Un likely
as it may seem, many other publications on arch itecture and interior design do not
quite achieve this, since it is the editor who decides which projects should appear
and what they should look like.
Before embarking upon this project, we envisaged a book that would be highly
practical, and we conveyed this vision to the arch itects. We offered these pages
as a platform for speakin g, choosing, and writing about certa in projects was the
element that appealed to most of those who wanted to or were able to participate.
Something sim ilar to having given them the microphone and asked for a ten minute
speech in front of a large convention of architects or architecture students-this is
how we wanted the architect to feel. And we hope this has been the end result.
While drawing up the contents for this publication there were a series of anecdotes
that are well worth a mention. First, were the numbers, always present in the world
of architectu re. For every three participation requests we sent out, we received one
confirmation, thus re-shaping the idea that architecture is a demanding profession,
and showing the difficulty of involving architects whose stud ios have greater
consequence on the global stage.
Second, we used four main se lection criteria when choosing participants: a) studios
with more than ten yea rs of practice; b) the widest possible geographical diversity;
c) a broad representation of markets (resident ial, inst itu tiona l, co rporate
buildings, etc.); d) that 80 per cent of projects were completed or were underway
in order to give the book the desired practicality. Likewise, another important
factor, although this was not a determining one, was that a large proportion of
studios should have a line of sustainable architecture projects, as we believe this
represents the design of today and tomorrow.
We wish to express our satisfaction with the line-up of participants, including
specialists in green architecture (Kirkland Fraser Moor and Bruno Stag no), young
talent in the field of green urbanism (Ecosistema Urbano), revered figures in
spiritual architecture (Imre Makovecz), and well-established architects' studios,
such as Ingenhoven Architects, Boora Architects, or Mario Botta Architetto. Not
forgetting, of course, the participation of prestigious landscape architects, such
as Paolo Burgi and Latz & Partner. And, bearing in mind that the green revolution
sweeping through architecture is reliant on knowledge of new materials and
experimentation into them, we also thought that the participation of specialists
from academic circles, such as Blaine Brownell or Field Office, was essential.
Europe and the United States generally receive a bias in architectural texts,
although some efforts have been made-sometimes rather unsuccessfully-to give
a slant toward the more traditionally ignored studios of North Africa, the Middle
East and the Far East, where Japan is a real architectural hotspot. In this book, we
believed the wider the geographical representation the better; this was another
pivotal factor defining the contents of these pages.
We have always aimed to make this publication an important tool for its target
readership, that is to say, architects and students. When assessing the overall
results, we found some very interesting proposals, some of them recurrent, as can
be seen in the different tips.
Some participants opted to give a short explanation of the architectural concept
(we hope that some are not a little too abstract for the reader), while others seem
to have been pushed for time to be able to fully express the details of the raison
d'e!re of their designs. Nevertheless, for the editor, it has been a great pleasure to
learn a little more of the thought processes of all the participants through their tips
and the corresponding images. And we wish to thank the architects for bringing the
end results closer to the reader.